
How to play Nintendo Switch games on your Android phone

With the release of Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch, I wanted to play it since I'm a fan of the series. However I do not have a Switch and I like play my games on my couch. So, I found a way to play it from my android phone.

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How to convert your old speakers to bluetooth
How to Install Windows 10 on a Raspberry PI 3

How to Install Windows 10 on a Raspberry PI 3

Until now, Raspberry PI users could only run a special developer's version of Windows 10 (IoT). But with the effort of many programmers and users, you can now run a full desktop version of Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi 3.

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Battery monitor and Relay Control with Arduino
Gold Detector with Arduino

Gold Detector with Arduino

I already posted an article about a DIY gold detector, but this time you can test a much simpler DIY gold detector with an Arduino

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What do you need to know before starting bitcoin mining

What do you need to know before starting bitcoin mining

I have read about bitcoin mining for some time now. I did not know exactly what this is, even though I was learning about electronic coins, but I did not want to deal with it because it required huge computing power to do something like this. The time ha

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