How to move your PC data before formatting

How to move your PC data before formatting

Every PC user facing same problem, when he wants to format his PC, how to backup and restore his data. And if you have installed a lot of programs and games, is hard to move all this data. Let's see how to make things easier.

In order to move your data, you must have a 2nd HDD, either USB or internal. In this tutorial i recommending some programs, but you don't have to use the same, you can use any other program can do the same work.

First, we must have a complete list of our programs. For this, you can use CCleaner, a very good program any PC user must have. Run it and go to "Tools" tab, then select "Unistall" and from there select "Save to text file". It will save your programs on a text file, so you can view at any time the programs you had installed.

Now you must make a registry backup, because many programs are saving there some data. The most easy way is to write "Regedit" in "Run" field (Win+R to show it). From there, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware and with right click select "export". You will be asked when to save the file, select your 2nd HDD.

Now you have to save your Windows settings, in case your Windows version doesn't support syncing. To do this, you can use Microsoft's "Windows Easy Transfer". Download it from here and select what you want to save from your OS.

Another option for that, is to use a third party program, like the Easus' Todo PCTrans (Easus has a free version of Todo PCTrans), where you can save either all our settings or you can select what you want to save.

Next, you have to save your programs' settings and data. In the latest versions of Windows, you can find these files in the "Roaming" folder. Of course you have to check and any other folder there, like the "Local" folder, to be sure that you have save everything you need. Last, save everything you need from "Documents", "Music", "Downloads", "Videos" and "Pictures" folders.

Next, you have to backup your games' save files. The simplest way is to use the Gamesave Manager (you can run it without installation). Run it and let it to update its database. Then, select the games you want to backup their saves and where to save these files.

That's it. Now you can format your PC and install the OS you want. First thing is to install your previous programs and to do this easy, you can use the Ninite. Select the programs you want and run the file you will get.

A good solution to avoid boring installations, is to use portable versions of your favorite programs and have them in the 2nd HDD. Now you can install your games too.

Last, you have to restore your data, either by hand (by moving the folders you already backed up), or by using the programs from above and select the "Restore" options. If you have any problem, for example a program doesn't work properly, you can import its data by using the registry file you exported previously.
