
Get Yahoo Mail Beta

If you want to try out the new face of Yahoo's mail, read this guide

There are two ways to get the new Yahoo Beta.

New accounts:

  1. First is to signup for new account
  2. put your country as United Kingdom
  3. As zip code, try WC1B3HD
  4. As the new user was created, click on TRY BETA button!

Existing accounts:
To get Yahoo Mail Beta, just switch your content preference to Germany, France or UK. Then you will be asked if you want to join the beta when you log into your Yahoo Mail. Say yes, and join the beta. Then from the options menu, change your content preference what it was before. Then go to Yahoo Mail again. You should see Yahoo Beta. If you don't see it, go to options and click "Try Beta" button. That's all.

How to change your content preference:

  1. log in to Yahoo Mail
  2. click Options
  3. select Account information from the left panel
  4. go to Member Information, General Preferences, Preferred Content
  5. select, for example, Yahoo UK and click Finished
  6. Go to Yahoo Mail
  7. you'll see a page that says "It's the New Yahoo! Mail Beta... and you're invited."
  8. click on "Try Beta Now".

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