Filmnet Decoder Hack

Filmnet Decoder Hack

Use this guide for easy modification of filmnet decoder (video & sound hack).

This guide is for educational use only. I am not responsible for these mods because i did not create them. Use them at your own risk.
The mods are simple. Just follow up the detailed guides for each model. Except these hacks, i have and some others like Chamal's Sound & Image hack and a circuit to build your own (cheap & simple) decoder so you can decode some channels. I never have the time to check them, but if anyone wants the files, i can upload them.

CableCrypt Hack

Open the decoder by removing the special screw witch is located under the scart and the two warranty stickers. After opening, remove the three black screws at the back of the device and the four silver ones witch hold the transformer.

-Now de-solder the metal cover of the box that is located at the back of the display and see underneath the ic-503. This is the ‘Delta 5.4’.

-Remove the main board by pushing outwards the plastic notches that hold it and turn it upside down.

  • Now remove the metal plate underneath ‘Delta 5.4’.
    -To hack this model, remove from pin 18 of the ‘Delta 5.4’ chip the copper lines from both sides and connect to ground the appropriate cpu pin that was connected to the above pin.
    Also remove from pins 23, 32, 33 the copper lines witch connect them to the rectangle chip. – Connect pin 22 with pin 23 and pin 33 with pin 20 of ‘Delta 5.4’ and remove any wire (if any) between pin 23 and ic-506.

CableCrypt2 Hack

Open the decoder by removing the special screw witch is located under the scart and the two warranty stickers. After opening, remove the three black screws at the back of the device and the four silver ones witch hold the transformer.

-Now de-solder the metal cover of the box that is located at the back of the display and see underneath the ic-503. This is the ‘Delta 5.4’.
-Remove the main board by pushing outwards the plastic notches that hold it and turn it upside down.

  • Now remove the metal plate underneath ‘Delta 5.4’.
    -To hack this model, remove from pin 18 of the ‘Delta 5.4’ chip the copper lines from both sides and connect to ground the appropriate cpu pin that was connected to the above pin.
    Also remove from pins 23, 32, 33 the copper lines witch connect them to the rectangle chip. – Connect pin 22 with pin 23 and pin 20 with pin 33 of ‘Delta 5.4’ and remove any wire (if any) between pin 23 and ic-506.

ComCrypt 4000 or 4000M Hack

-Open the decoder by removing the special screw witch is located under the scart and the two warranty stickers. After opening, remove the four black screws at the back of the device and the four silver ones witch hold the transformer.

-Remove the main board by pushing outwards the plastic notches that hold it and turn it upside down.

This model has many revisions. To view the revision from your model, check at the left bottom of the board (components side). The revision number is looks like: ‘CC 4000 Rev. 1.X’.

Hack for CC 4000 Rev. 1.3 (aka revision 1.3)

-From pin 18 of the Delta chip starts a copper line witch splits in two in a certain point. Cut it at the point that goes to the cpu board and connect to ground the pin of the cpu board that this line goes to.

-Cut the copper line of pin 32 of the Delta chip.
-Connect pin 33 with pin 20 of the Delta chip.
-Connect pin 22 with pin 23 of the above chip.

Hack for CC 4000 Rev. 1.4 (aka revision 1.4)

-Remove ‘J79’ (where Jxx and JSxx are jumpers) and be careful to not touch the battery.
-Remove ‘JS30’ (located at the other side of board) and connect to ground the pin that goes to the cpu board.
-Connect pin 33 with pin 20 of the Delta chip.
-Connect pin 22 with pin 23 of the Delta chip.

Hack for CC 4000 Rev. 2.3 (aka revision 2.3)

-Look next to Delta chip for 'J95'. Connect it (with a wire) with ‘J93’.
-Remove ‘JS11’ (located at the other side of board, near pin 20 of Delta chip). Also connect the pins 22 and 23 from Delta chip together.

Hack for CC 4000 Rev. 2.4 (aka revision 2.4)

-Look next to Delta chip for 'J81'. Connect it (with a wire) with ‘J75’.
-Remove ‘JS11’ (located at the other side of board, near pin 20 of Delta chip). Also connect the pins 22 and 23 from Delta chip together.

Hack for CC 4000 Rev. 3.1 (aka revision 3.1)

At this time, there is not exist any working hack for this model. We looking for any working hack to add to this page. If you have anyone please contact the admin. Connect the antenna cable with decoder (i suggest to use an outdoor antenna) and connect the decoder to TV with scart cable to be sure. Now connect the decoder with power and turn it on. Wait about 20 seconds to view the image. For a working hack, the image should be clear and stable but the polarity should change. If it is all right and you don’t mind the change of the polarity (or you don't have time to make the autopolarity circuit), close the decoder.

If you can make the circuit...
...The autopolarity circuit is very easy. You can make your the PCB also by downloading this file .
For autopolarity circuit we need:
1 x MC74HC74 IC (You can use and M74HCT74 or DM74LS74.Tested.)
1 x MC14584BCP IC (Only Motorola's works)
1 x 220mf/16v capacitor
1 x 82ohm resistor.

The circuit is very simple. Just look the photo to see how connect the ICs, resistor & capacitor. The red numbers are the pins from Delta Chip that must connect with wires.

Sound Hack

There is a hack for sound for CC 4000 Rev. 1.3 (aka revision 1.3) decoder. I never tried it.
First remove any hack you made to decoder (return it at original status) so if you power on to display "E0".
-Locate IC801 and solder pin 1 and 2 together. Put a 15ohm resistor between 3&4 pins from the same chip.
-Cut the copper line of pin 18 from Delta chip. Now reroute this line with a wire to pin 33 of the Delta chip.
-Solder pin 16 and pin 17 together.
-Solder a wire from pin 23 to test point T47 (located next to channel down button). Make a wire route from pin 23 to test point T47 (is located next to the channel down button ).
-Locate IC301 and trimmer R219. Solder a resistor (2,2Kohm) from pin 10 of IC301 to trimmer's pin (the one that's connected to the smd resistance R226).
-Solder pin 8 and 9 of IC301 together.
I uploaded a photo with every IC and solder point explained. Some times, the decoder may locked and it is nto display image or the buttons are working.

Unlock Hack

If your ComCrypt decoder is locked (blank screen, between Delta's pins 20 & 40 is +5V etc) you can unlock it very easy.
(Note:At this moment this hack is for CC 4000 Rev. 1.4 decoder only)
-Locate the IC TDA9800 and cut the copper line of pin 7. Connect a 75ohm cable from pin 7 with pin 20 of scart adapter (if you see, pin 20 is not connected anywhere).
-Locate IC300 and connect a resistor (56kohm) between pin 2 and pin 16.
-Turn of decoder and tune the TV to filmnet channel. Now power on the decoder.
