Install Media Player 11 on Win XP

Published on  by Gearloose ‐ In  ‐ Reading time: less than a minute

This how to will show you how to install Windows Media Player 11 to Windows XP and bypassing the validation check.

First download the player (currently beta) from MS's site here or from RapidShare here. IF you try to install and your license is not valid, you will get this message:

You must do the follow:
Unrar the mpsetup.exe somewhere.If you choose the default destination, you will get a folder named mpsetup.

In mpsetup folder you will see wmp11.exe wmfdist11.exe umdf.exe and wmdbexport.exe. Install them and then Reboot.

Run any media player shortcut you have on your system and a screen will popup asking "express" or "custom"

Choose custom and you are OK.


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